Johnny Depp’s Former Bodyguards Sue Him


Famous actor Johnny Depp sued by two of his old bodyguards.

The famous Caribbean actor is facing legal action from security professionals Eugene Arreola and Miguel Sanchez. They are suing for a range of reasons, including unpaid wages and wrongful termination.

They were employees of the security firm Premiere Group International. According to the lawsuit, he hired them individually. After hired them, Depp decided to cut his ties with the company.

The bodyguards are also claiming that they considered ”employees” by Depp. That means they were to receive all of the usual benefits.

Bodyguards are also said that in between 2016-2018. Many things began to spiral toward chaos. Adding that they ”found themselves in situations. That required more than what a bodyguard expected to do”.

Arreola and Sanchez are also alleging that they asked repeatedly to drive vehicles. Some of them contained illegal substances, open containers, and minors”.

In the lawsuit

The two bodyguards also alleged that they were ”forced to protect [Depp] from himself. And his vices while in public, becoming caretakers for him”.

They explain that the ”unsafe conditions and situations” in which they are forcing to work. Led to them developing ”stress-related injuries”.

Neither Arreola and Sanchez paid for overtime in almost two years. According to the bodyguards. They also claim that they cant afford the meal and rests breaks. That’s are a legal requirement.

An important number of the allegations. Tts Direction towards to Leonard Damian by depending on the lawsuit. Depp’s private security head suppose to have been their direct supervisor.

With the lawsuit, security professionals insist that they don’t bear any ”ill will” towards the Hollywood star.

Section of a lawsuit reads: ”[Arreola and Sanchez] were forced to leave their jobs. They desperately claiming that they enjoyed many of the people they worked with and had no ill will toward Johnny Depp.”