Cambridge Analytica Planned Its Own Cryptocurrency


Cambridge Analytica:

Cambridge Analytica backward Facebook’s large data leak scandal. This company tried to improve his self-cryptocurrency earlier year and want to increase their funds by money offering, popular blog site said. Old Cambridge Analytica employee Brittany told the popular blog site that the digital coin has helped. And also even people store online data and also sell it. Brittany also sure that she was in the grievance of the coin offering business at this company.

2016 Election:

This company which did help U.S. President Trump’s 2016 election’s, and stolen 87 million users data. Which did help Donald for won the 2016 election? Facebook said earlier this month that data of more than 87 million users may have been invaded. It has been under severe tenderness for the last month later the Observer reported that it wrongfully achieve access to personal data of millions of Facebook users. It seems the data analytics firm had a big goal beyond political advertising to incentivize the data for the cryptocurrency.

They have been famous with investors as they are capable to trade the tokens on online exchanges, often for a benefit. Cambridge Analytica increased $3.5 billion through such offerings this year. An according to analysis firm Autonomous. A coin offering would have made this company one of the hundreds of firms trying to increase capital as the standard of digital coin soar. Basically, Dragon Coin refuse connections with Broken Tooth, even though documents gained through the NYT indicate otherwise.


Analytica’s summary fling with ICOs is a curious convergence of two suspicious parts of the internet now coming under latest perscrutation cryptocurrency and personal data. There is a probability that this company was getting within more shadowy practices. And also much details could come out as its present and former employees witness earlier UK committee.